A Message from our CEO - Paul Marston

A Message from our CEO - Paul Marston

As we reflect upon the past 12 months, I feel immensely proud of what The FSE Group has helped businesses to achieve. For many, it has been a time to get growth plans back on track following the inevitable impact of the pandemic and it has been exciting to be here providing the funding and support needed. Naturally, we are also aware of the current tougher trading conditions and other funders pulling back, which is why we always understand the market gap – a gap that has widened in the last few months - and we ensure the Funds we manage are there to fill it.   

The business funding we have provided across the regions has played a vital role in stimulating SME growth and we take considerable pride in the fact that the businesses we support have a higher probability of success, i.e. achieving their growth plans.  

This is because our approach is holistic and looks to provide support that is more than money. Our dedicated Investment Managers take pride in knowing the businesses they fund – knowing their product or service and recognising the potential it holds, knowing the management team and how it ticks, knowing their goals and aspirations, knowing their funding needs.  

Across the regions we have invested in 116 businesses this year. With loans and equity investments ranging between £50,000 and £2million, we have supported from the small to the medium of SMEs at different stages of their growth journeys, operating in a variety of sectors.  As an example, our team in Cornwall have been working hard to deploy the remaining CIOSIF funds before the investment period closes at the end of next year; with over £8million invested in 2022, they have supported a number of businesses operating in the marine sector and many with a core focus on sustainability, reflecting the ethos and personality of the Cornish ecosystem. 

Throughout the year our teams have also provided links to expertise, best practice sharing and talks from experts on topics that growing businesses are interested in and will help them on their growth journey. We have provided opportunities for our founders to come together and learn from each other.  

Generating economic impact (including job creation), by providing funding for growth remains at the heart of what we do and we are proud of how we do it. Proud to be a Community Interest Company. Proud to invest where others don’t. Proud to add value. Proud to leverage greater impact. Proud to be different.